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Workshop Descriptions
All of our workshops are aimed at improving community resilience
through physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
1.5-2 hour workshops:
Foraging and wild crafting walks.
A walk looking at wild food, medicine and folklore. Includes making
something such as collecting wild teas for blending, berry collecting,
collecting wild herbs for smudge sticks, infusing herbs in a vinegar or oil,
simple medicine making etc.
Wild fermentation or non wild fermentation workshops
People bring their own jars to take food/drinks away with them to
encourage reuse. 2 hours.
Fermented Food
A short forage to collect and identify some wild plants, and then
processing the wild plants collected and adding them to a wild
sauerkraut which participants would make themselves using their
selected plants.
Or we can show you how to make a simple sauerkraut and other
Wild Fermented Drinks
As above, but this time we will be collecting plants to make either a
naturally fermented lemonade or a primitive beer. Participants will be
taking away a wild starter and their own lemonade or beer to finish
fermenting at home.
Making herbal kombucha
Wild food preservation
Collect a selection of berries and nuts to preserve. It is dependent upon
what is available at the time and in what area but I aim for folk to be
leaving with a minimum of 2 wild preserves that they’ve made. We can
also cover drying herbs, wild spices and how to use them, storage etc.
Gifts From the Trees, Tree Medicine and Food.
We will show you how to make Conifer salts and sugar, a wild conifer
and berry tonic and a wild spiced chai. Participants would leave with
their own salt, sugar and tonic and an email would be sent out
afterwards with recipes, instructions and information.
Edible Festive Wreath Making
Wreath making with a snack and drink. Participants would leave with
their wreath and tips for food and medicine recipe ideas.
Cooking on fire
Might include a foraging walk to collect ingredients, mindful tea tasting or
simply cooking and enjoying a meal together.
Self Care Workshop
A combination of mindful movement, breathwork and meditation
alongside activities and conversation to enable participants to leave with
their own personal self care plan.
Yoga/Chair Yoga
An accessible yoga class for all abilities. Stretch, move, breathe, relax.
Ending with a beautiful relaxation or guided meditation.
Children/family Yoga
These can be stand alone sessions or can be included at the same time
as an adult workshop.
Mindful Walks
A gentle quiet walk in nature. Opportunities to breathe, pause and
engage the senses to help ground us in the moment.
Mindful Crafts
An opportunity to busy the hands and quieten the mind. For example:
lavender eye bags for relaxation, DIY dream catchers, mandala creation
with flowers and pebbles, flower crowns.
Herbs for the nervous system: Stress/anxiety/depression..
Looking at various strategies including herbs that can help us build
resilience for mental and emotional wellbeing. Might include planting
your own herbal helpers to take away with you or another relevant hands
on herbal activity.
Herbs for Cold & Flu
Could include a foraging walk or a herbal talk about herbs to support the
immune system before, during and after a cold and hands on herbal
remedy making.
Botanical skincare
We will be making things like bath products, ointments, creams or
lip salves etc
Holistic Pain Management
Strategies to deal with either acute or chronic pain. Including talking
about wound care, sprains and burns and making a remedy for pain
Mini Retreat
3 hours
A mix of the sessions above includes a movement element and a herbal
crafting element.
Garden to medicine - series of 3 or 4 workshops
Why should you grow herbs? (Sustainability, at-risk/endangered herbs
Planning your herb bed based on the medicine you want to create.
Participants would be in charge of looking after the garden and tending
to the herbs.
Foraging for additional plants if needed.
How to harvest and drying or processing your plants and finally making
the medicine.
Solidarity Medicine Making
Making medicines for yourself and also Calais, Ukraine or (TBC) our
homeless self care clinics in Scotland.
Solidarity Foraging Walks
Community gathering and collecting ingredients for the medicine making
sessions. A great way to learn foraging and to get to know the plants well.
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